Deep Learning Coursera
Deep Learning and Neural Net FALL SEMESTER 2019 INSTRUCTOR: DR. NG Andrew 26 Feb 2019 WEEK-1 Video 1: What is Neural Network Relu: Rectified linear unit Q1: Every Input layer is interconnected with every hidden layer feature - True Video 2: Supervised Learning with Neural Network Real Estate Standard NN Online Ad Photo Tagging CNN Speech Recognition RNN Machine Translation Autonomous Driving Custom/ Hybrid NN Structure data : table, DB Unstructured Data: Audio, Image, Text Q1: Which data has features like pixel or words - Unstructured Video 3: Why DL taking off? NN requires more data to get more performance. With lesser data even SVM can perform better than NN Below factors made DL take off -Data -Computation -Algo -Switching sigmoid to ReLu learning rate has increased and gradient de